"The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it."

Psa. 68:11

I had some problems e-mailing my prayer letter this month (gmail thought it was spam), so I've posted it here for those of you who did not receive it.

June, 2009

“Many, O LORD my God, are thy wonderful works which thou hast done, and thy thoughts which are to us-ward: they cannot be reckoned up in order unto thee: if I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be numbered.” Psalms 40:5

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

During the month of May I taught about Moses and the children of Israel in Sunday School. We had a lot of fun learning how God delivered the Israelites out if Egypt! The children were amazed at the miracles God did for them. I also taught them that God still works in wonderful ways today and works in the hearts of men. We have about 30 children coming to Sunday School, about 15 of those have been faithful for over one year. Praise the Lord! Please pray for Cristi and Mirela, two cousins that we pick up from another village, that they would continue to grow in the Lord. They have been very faithful and have a great spirit and a willing heart. This Summer Cristi will be helping us build a fence and also a church building. 

The Lord is continuing to bless the printing ministry and we’re excited about what the Lord will do in the future. Please continue to pray for additional printing equipment. Our current equipment works great for books  and small booklets, however, we need a faster and better quality press for tracts, preferably a 2-4 color. There is a great need for color tracts, book covers and booklets in Europe. I have opened a printing fund, any money for the printing ministry please designate as “Adam Zander printing fund.” Please pray that God will provide the funds, or that someone would give us a color press. 

This month four young people from our church in New York will be visiting us. They will be here for four weeks and will help us build our back fence and Lord willing the beginning of our church building. I would like to thank all my faithful supporters, I greatly appreciate your sacrificial giving and prayers! 

Thank you for your prayers and support,
Adam Zander

Mirela and her cousin Cristi

2 responses to "June Prayer Letter"

  1. I'm so excited you are doing a blog... I loved when your Dad did one... It's neat to see what you all are doing ect. ( even tho I talk to Aire all the time... It's neat to see it from a guys prospective!) Hope you have a great time with the group


  2. Glad you like it! I'll try to post some more photos after today's service. We're having a great time with the group!
